A Lingering Crive Review
Jeanette's NetGallery review of A Lingering Crime.
5.0 out of 5 starsExcellent....
7 May 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
A very engrossing read! It's not often that I will sit and read a book within a day, but this was certainly a page-turner. I was hooked from the moment that Jack was in his garden when a police car pulled up and then found himself on his way to Florida to face a murder charge. I am not going to spoil the story by telling what happens, as I prefer one to read for themselves.
I know that the system is not always perfect and so pleased that I'm in the UK where there is no capital punishment. My eldest granddaughter is going into the Police Force, not only because it's her chosen career, but having had personal experience of someone going free due to bad evidence, she has vowed to do a better job.
I highly recommend this book and may be of particular interest to those who work in the Police Force, Legal System or Social Workers. It is the first time that I have read any books by this author and hope to read more.
My thanks to NetGalley and the Publishers. This is my honest review.
Updates up and down
Sorry, I've been busy and in trouble. Had a wonderful North Yorkshire break in excellent weather so that's a bonus as too was the news that our dear friend's breast cancer is in remission. Good on you Debra. But its been surgery at the dentist for me and now I have a titanium post awaiting a crown. That last piece of surgery was on Friday. I came home, had a sort of liquid lunch and then walked the dog. It was 3 pm. That sealed my fate.
As I approached the road crossing where Georgie sits awaiting the green man to appear, she took off. She ran across the road and rounded up two small dogs on their leads. The woman panicked and fell on the road. I managed to retrieve one of her dogs while Georgie sat on the pavement wondering what had happened. 'Get your dog on a lead' she shouted while I asked if she was all right. 'I'm reporting you to the police' she said.
As it happened thirty minutes later George was off the lead playing with Mrs Tricky's dog. They were running up and down the pathway happily. All of a sudden I heard the cry "Get your dog on the lead. I know who you are. I'm going to report you to the police.' Sure enough, the lady and her two dogs re-appeared.
So while I await a call from the police even Georgie looks worried.
The Mens Rae legal argument is on my side and although this lady experienced a similar performance by Georgie a year ago, I have avoided the 3 pm cycle path afternoon walk for over a year as a consequence, It was this molar surgery which threw me and landed me in trouble at that time. But there's little point me appearing in court. The only way to solve this problem is through education. After all, Georgie does not bite people nor dogs. She is not a fighter. Stand still and her performance is over.
Usual post badminton aches and pains but always worth it. The final shot of the day was mine when the shuttlecock limped over the net for a win. Small things in life can be beautiful. Not getting any vibes for the next book except a snipped from a fellow bus traveller. 'Och aye, these bunions are killing me. At times a' wish a' wis deed.' Can't say I've ever heard of death by bunions, but that's exactly what authors need, fresh perspectives.
Usual post badminton aches and pains but always worth it. The final shot of the day was mine when the shuttlecock limped over the net for a win. Small things in life can be beautiful. Not getting any vibes for the next book except a snipped from a fellow bus traveller. 'Och aye, these bunions are killing me. At times a' wish a' wis deed.' Can't say I've ever heard of death by bunions, but that's exactly what authors need, fresh perspectives.
Health and Memory
Cold starting the 3rd week but not affecting eating. Soup, roast potatoes, parsnips and lamb finished by a crumble all made by me. Then a glass to finish off the remains of the white wine. Probus meeting tomorrow. Dementia is the topic. Funny that. I just asked Joce to remind me where Probus meets.
Up and running
Up and running.Walk with Cornish Brother-in-law and his wife today after mammoth shopping this morning. Up and running this morning. Brambles to pick this afternoon and crumble to eat tomorrow.