Chaz the friendly crocodile

Chaz the friendly crocodile


Chaz the friendly crocodile

(A poem with a story addressing anti social behaviour)

A booklet for any family for house rules with a smile. A win/win for parents and children. See them grow up as you’d wish them to do.

Chaz is for children to read and enjoy then commit to a crime free healthy environment by signing a contract with teachers, parents or guardians and sometimes Police Officers and Social Workers.

Chaz is for Primary teachers to explain the poem about Chaz. There are lessons on migration of birds, who is a doon hamer and what are the names of other town dwellers eg Liverpudlians and Glaswegians and then oversee the signing of the contract.

CHAZ is for Police Officers dealing with young offenders.

Chaz is for Social Workers who have supervision of children.

Cost £7 + £1.50 post and package.
NB For larger orders better postal rates.

NB I can visit your school anywhere in the UK and introduce Chaz to your school.

ISBN: 978-1-8496-3770-1