Poets Progeny

Poets Progeny


Poets Progeny

All can share in Robert Burns’ work, many recite his favourite verses or songs. Others understand the hardships of his times and the radical politics around him. Many are moved to visit his grave at the Mausoleum at St Michael’s Church in Dumfries or visit the Brow Well where he sought healing. Others stroll the magnificent walks on the river Nith riverbanks that truly inspired the Bard to pen Tam o’ Shanter and collect, craft and mend over 300 songs. But in one thing their experiences will fall short.

His genius was his alone.

This rare manuscript captures the influence of the Bard on his descendants through Dear Bought Bess, his first child, to the present generation. It was a manuscript long in gestation but ripe for the present troubled world.

Then let us pray that come it may

As come it will for a’ that

That Sense and Worth through all the Earth

Shall bear the gree an a’ that

For a’ that an a’ that

It’s comin’ yet for a’ that

That man to man the world o’er

Shall brithers be for a’ that.

ISBN: 0-7552-0178-7